"You can't go back home to your family, back home to your childhood, back home to romantic love, back home to a young man's dreams of glory and of fame, back home to exile, to escape to Europe and some foreign land, back home to lyricism, to singing just for singing's sake, back home to aestheticism, to one's youthful idea of 'the artist' and the all-sufficiency of 'art' and 'beauty' and 'love,' back home to the ivory tower, back home to places in the country, to the cottage in Bermude, away from all the strife and conflict of the world, back home to the father you have lost and have been looking for, back home to someone who can help you, save you, ease the burden for you, back home to the old forms and systems of things which once seemed everlasting but which are changing all the time--back home to the escapes of Time and Memory."

- Thomas Wolfe
You Can't Go Home Again

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Perfect Cappuccino in Flagstaff, Arizona

Okay coffee chains... take note: lattes are not just watered down milky coffee drinks with a coating of frothed milk on top. Lattes and cappuccinos, when made properly, should have a thick layer of warm foam on top--foam thick as a pillowtop mattress! This is what I am drinking now. After waking up at 6:30 and only getting about four-and-a-half hours of sleep, I decided to wake up. I thought about a conversation I had with Indigo Boy about waking up at sunrise while I travel. We used to work together and have to occasionally get up at the crack of dawn. After quitting my job, I missed having a reason to wake up so early and he suggested I do so while I travel. So I rose at 6:30 this morning and made my way to Macy's European Coffehouse, a cafe I read about on Yelp and Travelocity. Plus, I am having a good hair day.

So far, there are two things indispensable items I have with me on my travels: the old-fashioned AAA Triptik I printed out before I hit the road and my iPhone. I don't know what I would do without my iPhone. I use it constantly to update my Facebook profile, check my email, make phone calls, check the weather, listen to music, take photos, and figure out where the hell I am. No such luck this morning with the last function because it actually got me lost... or, no, I inputted the wrong address from a wrong address listed on Yelp. I was able to see a bit of Flagstaff, though, and I became immediately enchanted by the turn-of-the-century frontier architecture and small town feel. I manage to navigate my way to Macy's European Coffeehouse, but have to wait for a train to pass. Large droplets of rain begin to fall and something hard starts bouncing off the windshield of my car. Hail? Cool!

After parking, I make my way inside and the first thing I see are two painted portraits of an elderly gentleman wearing something that looks like a turban. Then I glance at the patrons having breakfast and a man who bears an uncanny resemblance to the gentleman in the portrait sits below it. I wonder if it is him. I wonder if he knows that there is a guy right above him who looks like him. I take a picture. What do you think?

I am now drinking a delectable cappuccino with chocolate and cinnamon called a Cafe Bohemian. These are trained professionals. Baristas who take their jobs and coffee seriously. When the server handed me my drink I almost didn't know what to do with it. The dusting of chocolate and cinnamon created a coating like a layer of paint. To drink it one has to almost penetrate the top layer, only to discover the pillowtop mattress of foam underneath. This was a cappuccino unlike anything I've tasted before. Perfection!

Even though everyone I encounter is very friendly and courteous, my radar is starting to heighten; an awareness is growing that I am the only non-White as I travel farther east on Highway 40. Nary an ethnic face greets me inside the coffee house. There are older men who either look like leftovers from the frontier era or professors from the local college and lots of young outdoorsy Patagonia-types. A tall guy in his twenties approaches me and asks what I am writing. He is handsome in a sun-bleached, full-bearded kind of way. He looks like he should be wearing Patagonia, but he is wearing a very cool motorcycle jacket. We chat for a bit and he introduces himself--Destry is his name--before he wishes me well and leaves me to my writing.

I'm feeling a little sleepy, but there's rain in the forecast for the next few hours and I don't want to drive at night.

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